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Neem Benefits for Skin: Enhancing the Beauty of Your Skin.
Neem leaves are a timeless beauty remedy. Neem—Indian lilac—is a plant from India and Africa. Azadirachta indica is its scientific name. The leaf survives seasonal and climatic changes in semi-arid and sub-humid settings. Phytochemicals in this drought-resistant tree prevent bacterial and fungal diseases, and its seeds, leaves, bark, and fruits are antifungal. #neembenefitsforskin, #benefitsofapplyingneemonface, #benefitsofdrinkingneemjuiceforskin, #benefitsofneemfacepack, #benefitsofneemleafforskin, #neemleafusesforskin, #neemforhairbenefits, #neemhealthbenefits, #advantagesofdrinkingneemwater, #advantagesofeatingneemleaves, #benefitsofchewingneemleaves, #benefitsofconsumingneemleaves, #eatingofneemleavesbenefits, #goodnessofneemleaves, #neemanditsuses,