
1 Posts

  • Monsoon Care Kit for Dogs
    Monsoon Care Kit for Dogs

    This monsoon Care kit is specially made to keep your furry friends comfortable and healthy during the rainy season. This is a combo of three products which includes Sapodana Anti Tick & Flea shampoo, Tick Free and Eczo pet. All these three products are 100% natural and ayurvedic. The Sapodana anti tick and flea shampoo is specially formulated to combat fleas, ticks, and other parasites while keeping your dog’s coat clean and healthy. The Tick Free works as an repellent to the ticks and fleas without harming your dog's skin or coat. It is easy to use and can be sprayed directly to the dog's Fur. and the third product in this combo Eczo Pet is an Ayurvedic broad spectrum skin cream designed specifically for dogs. The active ingredients in this Eczo pet cream such as Neem, Soma Valka, Bakuchi provides effective relief from different skin conditions such as Itchiness, Redness, Dryness and Inflammation. This cream also helps to soothe and moisturize the skin of your Dog. Overall this combo is a Rain Remedy for your Furry friend. #Monsoonkitfordog #petcare #doghealthcare #rainremedyfordogs

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