
1 Posts

  • Connect With Telus Customer service.
    Connect With Telus Customer service.

    Telus Customer Service, there are a few hints you can follow to make the experience as smooth and effective as could be expected: Have your data prepared: Prior to calling client care, ensure you have all the fundamental data, for example, your Telus account subtleties, request number, or gadget data. This will help the agent rapidly distinguish your record and give more designated help. Be clear and compact: While making sense of your issue or request, be clear and succinct in your correspondence. Try not to utilize complex specialised terms or language that might befuddle the delegate. Understand what you need: Have an unmistakable comprehension of what you need to accomplish from the call. Whether it’s having the money in question returned or changing a help plan, realizing your goal will assist the delegate with giving more designated and compelling help. Ezoic Take notes: During the call, take notes about any significant data or directions given by the delegate. This will assist you with recollecting significant subtleties and try not to need to get back to for explanation. Utilize elective client assistance channels: In the event that you can’t arrive at Telus client support by telephone, think about utilizing elective stations like email or online talk. These channels might be more qualified for general requests or record the board. #teluscustomerservice #telussupportnumber #telusphonenumber #teluserrorssupport #telushelpline

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