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  • Dr. Nitu Verma (PT)
  • Address: HIG-16, Sector 1, Shankar Nagar
  • Location: Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

User description

Life360 Physiotherapy is one the most reputed and trusted Physiotherapy clinic in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Life 360 is owned by Dr. Nitu Verma. Who is awarded as ""Chhattisgarh Ratna Award"".
Dr. Nitu Verma is the 1st female Chiropractor in India. We strive to provide the best and an integrated holistic approach to alleviate your pain and improve the quality of your life. Book appointment for the best physiotherapy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy clinic in Raipur.

Latest listings

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    Life 360: Raipur's Best Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain Relief.
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  • Best Physiotherapy center - Life 360, can help you recover smoothly after TKR And THR.
    Best Physiotherapy center - Life 360, can help you recover smoothly after TKR And THR.
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    Experiencing heavy pain, inflammation or struggling with wound healing? Do not worry, Life 360 has the best Magnetotherapy treatment for you by the best Physiotherapist - Dr. Nitu Verma (PT) in Raipur! What is Magnetotherapy Treatment? A physical the...

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  • 1

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