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  • Address: C-70, Phase-3, Focal Point, Ludhiana-141010 Punjab (INDIA), Ludhiana
  • Location: Ludhiana, Punjab, India

User description

Kanika Exports are manufactures & exporters of various types of products like- Threaded Rods/ Bars, Coil Rods/ Tie Rods , Threaded Studs, Hex Nuts, Hex Bolts, Plain Washers, Spring Washers, Spring Channel Nut,Strut Channel ,Channel Accessories ,Channel Brackets, Channel Fitting Accessories, Mild Steel Threaded Rods , Zinc Plated Threaded Rods, Steel Threaded Rods, Medium Carbon Steel Threaded Rods, Double Ended Threaded Rods, Fully Threaded Studs, Rolled threaded bars,MS thread rods and bars, UNF Threaded Rods, UNEF Threaded Rods, UNC Threaded Rods, Unified Threaded Rods, Metric Threaded Rods, BSW Threaded Rods, Black Thread Rods, plain threaded rods, oiled threaded rods, self color threaded rods Variety of Pipe Clamps , Hanger Clamps , Cantilever Arms , Base Plates etc. We exports our products to various countries like- Australia, Canada, USA , United Kingdom, Africa, UAE, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal etc. from India, Punjab, Ludhiana. https://www.kanikagroup.in - Mobile No- 9872100027

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What you can to make best public profile?

Create quality content paragraph with exactly what you do and make sure the content description will be at least 400 - 500 words.

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