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  • shivank

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  • Divorce yoga in your kundali
    Divorce yoga in your kundali
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 22 Jun, 2024 11:31 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Want to know if there is a divorce yoga in your kundali? Whether you are seeking insights in marital harmony or are facing challenges in your marriage, our renowned astrologer, Dr.vinay Bajrangi will help shed light on potential challenges and remedi...

  • Buying and selling property prediction
    Buying and selling property prediction
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 22 Jun, 2024 10:44 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Unlock the secrets to prosperous property transactions with Property Astrology by world famous astrologer Dr. Bajrangi. Attain success and profitability in buying and selling property prediction with his expertise guidance. Transform your property de...

  • Buying Selling Property as per birth chart
    Buying Selling Property as per birth chart
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 22 Jun, 2024 10:02 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Navigate the realms of real estate with cosmic precision alongside Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, an expert in property-related astrology. He will decode the art of buying and selling property based on kundli, revealing the profound influence of the pivotal 4th...

  • First House in astrology
    First House in astrology
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 21 Jun, 2024 05:49 PM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Uncover the profound essence of the First House in astrology alongside the esteemed Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a celebrated astrologer. As a pioneer in astrological insights, he will guide you through the celestial influences on all astrology houses shaping...

  • Health problems by astrology
    Health problems by astrology
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 21 Jun, 2024 11:30 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Introducing the revolutionary Health problems by astrology, a tool designed to help you understand your health and well-being based on the stars and planetary alignments. Developed by renowned astrologer, Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, this calculator uses the ...

  • Longevity reading
    Longevity reading
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 21 Jun, 2024 10:10 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    If your question is “how to check health prediction by kundli,” you could not have been in a better place. Fix an astrological session with Dr, Vinay Bajrangi right away to take a longevity reading as well. He can check your longevity by studying you...

  • Health issues solutions by birth chart
    Health issues solutions by birth chart
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 20 Jun, 2024 12:08 PM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Interested in knowing about health issues solutions by birth chart? Get to know through a consultation with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the astrologer of international repute, who is known for his unique predictive techniques, sharp insight into the problems...

  • How to read birth chart
    How to read birth chart
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 20 Jun, 2024 10:37 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Have you ever felt curious about how to read birth chart? Here is the way out. Have an appointment fixed with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the astrological maestro with a worldwide repute, who will decide your personality type by firstly tracing your ascendan...

  • Why my marriage is getting delayed
    Why my marriage is getting delayed
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 19 Jun, 2024 11:35 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Is your friend, who is past her prime, facing unusual delay in getting married? ”Why my marriage is getting delayed” seems to be her major worry. Planets like Mangal, placed weakly or unfavourably can postpone the marriage indefinitely. As many peopl...

  • Manglik dosha in kundali
    Manglik dosha in kundali
    Horoscopes - Tarot - Noida (Uttar Pradesh) - 19 Jun, 2024 11:00 AM 99.00 Dollar US$


    Have you, during a casual astrological discussion found out that you have manglik dosha present in your horoscope and absent in your husband’s? Manglik dosha in kundali isn’t something to be mortally scared of. With some precautionary measures, you c...

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